Saturday, June 6, 2009


June brought with it an entire new Washington. Where it is warm enough outside to wear shorts, the snow melts and the wild flowers spring up. This is almost exactly how we left Ohio back in April.

A couple of days ago Niki and I decided to go to Salt Creek to see the tide pools there. Amanda had to work so she didn't come. We are still on different schedules at the moment, and hopefully it will be fixed by the next schedule. Anyway, we went to Salt Creek and didn't look at the high tide and low tide times and ended up arriving at the park too early. So we left... Salt Creek is located very close to Lake Crescent so we can go there anytime.

In the meantime the three of us have just been working and hanging out. We go to Port Angeles a lot. I think Amanda and I walked 6 miles yesterday while we were there. I really like Port Angeles. They don't have the regular city stuff. Most of their stores are random shops owned by families. Its really cool. And Port Angeles has the BEST antique shops. I never thought I'd say that but the ones here are awesome, they don't have a bunch of junk in them. The things they carry are interesting and fun. We also spend a lot of time at the library. We all have library cards. Port Angeles has a really nice one, I heard the one in Forks is very small. Amanda has already taken out her limit of books. Though that's not surprising.

Tomorrow the workers here at the lodge are putting together a Masquerade party. So we have some masks with feathers attached to them to wear. I would say it should be fun, but I think its too early to predict that.

Amanda has a new roommate named Lydia. Shes really nice and Amanda really likes sharing the room with her. We also adopted another person into our group named Garrett. He works at the Ridge with us. So now if we mention either of them you know who they are.

Update on the bear situation: We finally saw him!!! Most of you probably know that we've been waiting to see the bear that likes to hang out by the side of the road when we drive up the mountain for work. Every day we'd have guests come in and tell us they saw him and they'd show us pictures. The entire Hurricane Ridge staff was jealous. Every day when we'd ride up and down we all would watch for him, but he was never there. Finally last week we spotted him high up on a hill eating some flowers!! It was almost as good as when we saw the moose! Now we are on the look out for the Olympic Marmot. The Olympic National Park is the only place they are found. The pictures I've seen of them are very cute.

I also wanted to mention that all the National Parks will be having weekends all throughout this summer where you can get into the park for FREE!! The first one here is Father's Day weekend. We are giving away our reusable bags. I'm not sure if other parks will be giving away free things but you never know! You should check out the parks around you!

And now I would like to ask all of our faithful readers if you have any questions or comments you can email them to us at I'm thinking of doing an FAQ post. Thanks in advance and thanks for reading!!


1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to reading on how your masquerade party went.
